Your alternative to Liquidfiles

Discover FileCap, the preferred solution for organizations that want an all-in-one approach to secure file sharing and emailing. With easy deployment, comprehensive functionality and transparent costs, FileCap offers a reliable alternative to LiquidFiles.

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Liquidfiles alternative

Why FileCap is your smart security solution

At FileCap, we understand that organizations need a complete and cost-effective security solution. Our approach focuses on clarity, flexibility and ease of use. Reasons why FileCap is the better choice:

  • Microsoft Office Integration:
    LiquidFiles does not support Outlook Web, OWA, or Office365 clients. This is problematic, as Microsoft has announced it is discontinuing VSTO plug-ins. FileCap, on the other hand, offers a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.
  • SaaS:
    Unlike LiquidFiles, FileCap is also available as a SaaS solution.
  • Usability:
    FileCap is easy to set up and use. LiquidFiles, on the other hand, is not suitable for companies without an in-house system administrator or network administrator, as installing LiquidFiles requires the necessary knowledge and expertise.
  • Business Rules:
    FileCap provides advanced Business Rules functionality that can prevent data breaches and support users in secure e-mailing from Outlook. LiquidFiles lacks this functionality.
  • Versatile authentication:
    FileCap offers several authentication options, including e-mail access code, password, SMS and company password, while LiquidFiles is limited to an e-mail code.
  • Withdrawal of messages:
    FileCap allows you to retract messages and files, something not possible with LiquidFiles.
  • Branding:
    Customizing the branding in LiquidFiles requires knowledge of HTML/CSS and Javascript. FileCap, on the other hand, is easy to use and set up without training. LiquidFiles only offers the ability to set up a logo, while FileCap offers extensive options to implement your corporate identity into the tooling.
  • External users:
    LiquidFiles does not provide authentication methods for external users other than a code by email and does not support 2FA for external users. This is possible with FileCap, however.
  • GDPR:
    FileCap is a European company and complies with GDPR requirements, providing assurance that your data is protected according to European regulations.
  • All-in-one:
    FileCap does not charge extra for specific features. With FileCap, everything is included.

Make the switch to FileCap and simplify your security needs. Discover the benefits of our all-in-one secure file sharing and email solution today. Our expert team is ready to support you every step of the way.


With FileCap, you can...

Send e-mails & files securely

The FileCap add-in makes sending a secure email or sensitive files child's play. Check out how it works below:

Receive emails & files securely

Invite someone to send you large files or a message securely with FileCap. Fast and simple!

Using multiple verification methods

Choose one of four available authentication methods: password, code via email, code via SMS or a company password. Sending extra sensitive information? Simply use a second verification.

Apply your own corporate identity

Customize your FileCap portal with a large background, your company logo and, of course, matching colors. The emails that you send with FileCap will also automatically receive your house style. Very familiar for your customers.

BDO FileCap Portal

Reduce the risk of data breaches

By taking advantage of the additional security options, business rules to monitor the content of emails and messages and the ability to retract sent messages, you reduce the likelihood of data breaches.

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FileCap: More than software

Experience the convenience and security of FileCap and start sharing your important documents securely via Outlook today. Take advantage of our free trial to learn about FileCap's features and benefits.

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