FileCap for financial services companies

Secure digital data

Protected communication via e-mail and file sharing.

FileCap is awesome!
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With FileCap's certified email security solution, financial professionals can not only securely and effortlessly share sensitive information with colleagues and clients, but also meet strict compliance requirements and ensure confidentiality. This contributes to efficient communication while ensuring data privacy.

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Protect your reputation

Customers trust you to keep their data safe. Security and fraud protection are key features financial services companies look for in an email and file transfer solution.

Reputational damage is a major risk in data breaches. If your organization falls victim to a cyberattack, you are likely to lose the trust of customers. Strong encryption, as provided in FileCap, helps prevent such attacks or leaks.

Verify customer identities

Financial organizations sometimes need to send personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive data such as account numbers, credit card information and insurance information via e-mail. It is essential that the right person receives it.

FileCap provides integrated multi-factor authentication (MFA), requiring recipients to verify their identity in one or more ways before accessing email content. With proof of delivery and proof of reading, financial organizations can be assured that content is viewed only by the correct recipients.

people working

Protected shield

With FileCap, financial service providers don't have to worry about intercepted messages or data leaks via email. With a high level of encryption, various authentication methods and the ability to verify sensitive data such as Social Security numbers, IBAN and credit card information, messaging with FileCap can be considered reliable.

Discover all the benefits

How do we enrich the digital processes of financial services companies?

Read what they have to say about FileCap here:

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Why choose FileCap?

Optimally protected

Email protection while maintaining ease of use.


Seamless integration

Easy integration with Outlook and existing mail servers.


Personal support

The Dutch- and English-speaking support team is ready for you.


Transparent licensing model

A clear and complete package with all functions and features.



Data guaranteed secure with GDPR and ISO 27001 compliance.

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