Email security: Essential for the legal sector

Jun 7, 2024

In today's digital world, e-mail communication is essential for law firms, notaries, courts and other legal organizations. However, with the increasing threat of cybercrime, it is more important than ever to ensure the security of these communications.

Cybercrime: A real danger

Cybercriminals see legal organizations as an attractive target because of the large amount of sensitive information they manage, such as client data, financial documents, and confidential correspondence. This information can be used for identity fraud, blackmail, or other illegal activities.

Data breaches in the legal industry

Data breaches in the legal industry can have enormous consequences. Even the most vigilant employees can fall victim to today's sophisticated tactics such as phishing. Reputational damage, financial losses and even legal liability are just some of the potential risks to the affected organization.

Email security: investing in security

By investing in email security, legal organizations can further protect their clients, their reputation and their business. An email security solution, such as FileCap, can help legal organizations to:

  • Protect client data: Encryption, encryption, access control and other security measures can protect client data from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.
  • Meet legal requirements: Email security solutions can help meet legal requirements related to client data protection, such as the GDPR in Europe.
  • Reduce the risk of data breaches: Advanced protection can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Strengthen client trust: By investing in email security, legal organizations demonstrate their commitment to protecting their clients' privacy.
  • Ensure confidentiality: Using secure e-mail communications ensures the confidentiality of client information.

FileCap: Email security for the legal industry

FileCap is an advanced email security solution, ISO 27001 certified, designed for anyone who values security and privacy of their email traffic and data. FileCap offers a wide range of features that help protect client data, including:

  • Email encryption: FileCap encrypts all emails at rest and in transit, making it impossible for unauthorized parties to access sensitive information. FileCap uses technologies such as TLS and end-to-end encryption.
  • Access management: Allows legal institutions to determine who has access to which emails.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): FileCap can identify and block sensitive data, such as personal data, to prevent accidental transmission.
  • Email archiving: FileCap archives all emails for compliance purposes.
  • User-friendly interface: FileCap is easy to install and use, even for non-technical personnel.
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): Strengthens security by adding an extra layer of authentication.
  • Secure Email: FileCap offers a secure email solution that meets the highest standards of cyber security.

Transition NTA 7516

The NTA 7516 standard no longer exists and will be replaced by a new standard over time. The Judicial Council uses another product for secure e-mail communication. Law firms may use this product from the jurisdiction and do not have to purchase it themselves; they can then use FileCap themselves. The following legal organizations are already using FileCap: JPR Advocaten, GMW Advocaten, Bout Advocaten, Adelmeijer Hoyng Advocaten, De Voort Advocaten | Mediators.

FileCap: More than software

With FileCap you have a reliable tool that protects your data and helps you meet legal requirements, compliance. We are happy to help you make the right choice for your organization in terms of secure communication. Through our website you can request a no-obligation demo or trial.

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