Applying your corporate identity within FileCap

In this digital age, your company is a brand, which is all about recognizability and a consistent look and feel. Office supplies, communications, advertising and the software tools you use: everything should breathe the look and feel of your organization. With FileCap you can not only safely email and share large files, but also apply your own corporate identity within the platform for a professional look and feel.

An organization's corporate identity includes visual and textual elements that together create a unique identity. The logo, colors used and graphics are different for each company and contribute to the brand experience. Although FileCap is normally used by internal users primarily through the Outlook plug-in, external users, those who receive business from your organization or who send mail and files, will use your FileCap portal. It should be recognizable as belonging to your organization.

Note: Not a customer yet? After the free 30-day trial period, we will convert your FileCap environment to your own domain. This way, you can, for example, use as your FileCap environment. This flexibility also contributes to FileCap fully integrating with your brand.

Setting up your corporate identity within FileCap is done through the management console. Here you will find all the settings of the platform, including the possibilities of personalization. To find this feature, go in the administration to Personalization. Then click below on Company Identity.

In the screen that follows you can specify all options for the corporate identity. Of course the name of your company and website (to be shown when sending emails through FileCap), but also the logo you want to use in the FileCap portal and an image for example from your company photography. Finally, you set your color here. This is then reflected in the buttons, links and in the Outlook plug-in of your users.  

By using the options of corporate branding within FileCap, it becomes an extension of your brand identity. Employees are more likely to accept it as part of their own IT environment, while external users you use FileCap with will see it as inseparable from your existing website.

You can find more about setting the house style in the FileCap documentation:
