
Public invitations

With the Public Invitations option, it is possible to generate a FileCap link so that individuals can easily send files to a specific email address, which is linked to the corresponding link. For example, this FileCap link can be used to put on the website so that individuals can quickly send files to a specific department.

Create new link

In the Public invitations screen, click on the "New" button to generate a new link.

Display name The name displayed as the recipient.
To e-mail address The e-mail address the files should be sent to if the link is used.
Requires registration If this option is enabled, users will first have to enter their name and email address and will receive a confirmation link in their mailbox, which will allow them to send files to the specific email address. When the option is disabled users will go directly to the upload page so they can send files directly to the specific email address.

Options for an existing link

In the Public Invitations screen, existing links have two action buttons:

Pause or Activate

The Pause button allows the link to be temporarily disabled, preventing it from being used to send files. When a link is paused, the icon changes to an Activate option. This allows the link to be activated again.


This button can be used to permanently remove the link.

Note: It is not possible to change the "Requires registration" option if the link has already been created. To change it, the link will have to be deleted and recreated with the correct settings.