

Note: This page is only available to MSP admins.

This screen displays a list of all FileCap portals active on this FIleCap server.

The following items are shown on this page:

  • Portal name
  • URL
  • License type
    Multiple license types are available:
    1. MSP-SUB
    This is a paid FIleCap license

    2. SUB-Trial
    This is a 30-day trial license, portals with this license will have a yellow background color in this overview. These licenses can be converted to a paid FileCap license (MSP-SUB) at any time.
  • License start
  • License valid until
    It is possible for the MSP admin to renew a license by clicking on the license icon under Actions.
  • MSP Access allowed
  • Disk usage
  • Disk quota
  • Max transfer size
  • Actions
    The actions are described below.

Add new portal

The "New" button allows you to create a new portal.

Portal name Enter the portal name that will be displayed in the portal overview.
Portal URL Enter here the FQDN that will be used for this FileCap portal (for example,
Disk quota (GB) Enter the number of gigabytes (GB) that can be used by this portal to store transfers.
Note: 0 (zero) can be used so there is no limit.
Max transfer size (MB) Enter the number of megabytes (MB) that can be sent by this portal in 1 transfer.
Note: 0 (zero) can be used so there is no limit.

Settings for existing portals

Certificate settings

With the certificate settings button it is possible to see the status of the certificate of the respective portal.

Also, under "Add new certificate" it is possible to request new certificates. There are then two options:

Free public certificate

By using this option, Let's Encrypt will automatically request a certificate.

Upload own certificate

If this option is selected, it is possible to upload a custom certificate for this particular portal.

SSL certificate (PFX/P12) Select the PFX or P12 file that contains the certificate.
Note: the PFX/P12 must contain at least the following:
- The certificate
- CA and intermediate certificates
- Private key

If one of the above items is missing, the certificate import will fail.
Password Enter the password of the PFX/P12 here so it can be installed

View license

The view license button allows you to view, renew or request a new license.

Request/Change license

When the request of change license button is clicked, two selection boxes become available: "Number of users" and "Number of years" or "Extention period (years)." This allows an MSP-admin to convert a customer's license from a SUB-Trail to a paid MSP-SUB license. Or extend an existing license with more users or additional term.

The reseller of the affected FileCap MSP server will receive an invoice from FileCap Sales for the requested licenses.


Here are some options for changing the respective portal, the following options are possible:

  • Change the portal name which is displayed in the portal list.
  • Change the "Disk quota" of this portal, in gigabytes. If this is set to 0, there is no limit.
  • Change the "Max transfer size" of this portal, in megabytes. If this is set to 0, there is no limit.


To delete the relevant portal, the portal URL will need to be entered for confirmation.

When the portal is deleted, all data sent through this portal will also be deleted.

Open portal

Allows login to the respective portal as "MSP User". This is only possible if "MSP access allowed" is activated (which is the default setting). End users can change this setting under"Admin panel" so that MSP resellers cannot access the portal.