
Admin user settings

In the upper right corner is the following user menu:

The following actions are possible here:

Change Password

When clicked, you will see the following screen:

Username Here the currently logged in user is displayed. The password of this user will be changed.
Current password Enter the current password here.
New password Enter the new password here.
Confirm new password Confirm the new password by entering it again.

Two-factor authentication

With this option it is possible to activate two-factor authentication for additional security of the administrator account. When this button is clicked, you will see the following screen:

Scan the QR code with an authentication application, such as Authy, FreeOTP or Google Authenticator, for example, and at "Time based token" enter the currently obtained token.

Next, two-factor authentication is enabled for this administrator account and a two-factor code will need to be entered after entering the password to log into the administration portal.


To log out of the FIleCap administration portal, this button can be clicked.

Light/Dark mode

The next button allows switching between a light or dark administration portal interface.